“Successful but not satisfied” is a very common experience high achievers have in the corporate world. Many people find themselves paying a high price for their success, and they have to reconnect, reground and pivot in order to get career happiness on their own terms.
We all have a wellspring of information and data within us that tells us what lights us up. In corporate, we’re so focused on what the job expects of us, we end up defined by other people.
How do we step out of the corporate mental silo, and leverage being the multidimensional people we are? How can we feel more confident about the pricing of our services?
In this episode, executive and career coach, speaker and best-selling author of Winning the Game of Work, Terry McDougall shares how she empowers people to find true happiness and fulfillment at work.
Watch the Full Episode:
A lot of times, we join up the thing that we want with the reason we can’t have it. Getting connected with the energy of things you want and feeling like you deserve them is extremely powerful.
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- How to re-establish fulfillment in our careers
Whether we excel and find joy working with people, ideas, problems or data, there’s a thread that runs through the work we love doing, our zone of genius is also found in that area. When we get away from those things, that’s when we start feeling unhappy in our careers. If we have an important value and a place we derive our professional energy from, moving away from it will make us unhappy. - How to price our services without undervaluing ourselves
One of the biggest challenges of stepping out of the corporate structure and becoming a consultant is knowing how to price the service we offer, and determine the value of the coaching we provide. It’s so important not to undervalue ourselves and overlook the costs that go into running a business. - Why our limiting beliefs hold us back from getting what we want
A lot of the times, when we want something, we hold ourselves back from getting it because we immediately think about why we can’t get it, or that we don’t deserve it. Wanting something and going after it are two separate things. When you admit that you want something, and step into the feeling of deserving it, you put yourself in alignment to receive it from the Universe.
Guest Bio
Terry is an executive and career coach, speaker and best-selling author of Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms. She works with managers, executives and professionals who want to draw upon their greatest, most authentic abilities to positively impact their organizations. She supports clients who are creating change, driving innovation, and navigating transitions.
Terry relies on both her formal training as a coach and first-hand experience as a corporate leader to support her clients as they work towards their goals. In coaching engagements, Terry serves her clients as a partner and encourager as they break new ground; as a sounding board, supporting them as an objective listener; as a scout, who sees the larger context, their possibilities and potential; and, as a catalyst, helping to spark their commitment and action.
For more information visit https://terrybmcdougall.com and https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrybmcdougall.
Buy Terry’s book Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms here.