From Vision to Reality: How Angela Olea Revolutionized Senior Care Placement

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Senior Care Placement by Angela Olea: From Vision to Reality

From Vision to Reality: How Angela Olea Revolutionized Senior Care Placement

Discover how Angela Olea created the first franchise in the US for senior care placement, carving a path in an industry with no roadmap. Uncover the surprising strategies she used to accelerate learning, avoid mistakes, and discover the unexpected talent one of her franchisees exhibited at a conference. Stay tuned for an eye-opening conversation.

My special guest is Angela Olea

Angela Olea founded Assisted Living Locators, a trailblazer in the senior care industry. With over 20 years of experience, she created the first franchise in the US for senior care placement, revolutionizing the industry and setting a new standard for excellence. Angela’s nursing background and entrepreneurial acumen have positioned her as a leading authority in business growth strategies and strategic partnerships.

Her dedication to bridging the gap in senior care and her innovative approach to franchising has solidified her reputation as a visionary in the field. Angela’s insights are invaluable for entrepreneurs looking to learn from her wealth of experience and expertise in driving business growth and forming impactful partnerships.

Angela Olea’s story:

Senior Care Placement by Angela Olea: From Vision to Reality

Angela Olea’s journey into entrepreneurship and franchising is a tale of unexpected turns and unwavering determination. Her background as a nurse laid the foundation for her unique path, as she identified a crucial need for senior care placement during her time at a level one trauma center. This realization sparked a journey of transformation, blending her nursing expertise with entrepreneurial spirit. Seeking guidance from established industry figures, such as the CEO of Massage Envy, Angela’s proactive approach to mentorship became instrumental in accelerating her learning curve.

Through the trials of economic downturns and the recent upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, she honed her resilience and commitment to fiscal prudence. Angela’s story encapsulates the essence of embracing change, harnessing mentorship, and harnessing unexpected opportunities to carve a remarkable entrepreneurial path.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the secrets to starting a senior care franchise.
  • Gain valuable insights on mentorship in franchise development, learning from the experiences of successful entrepreneurs.
  • Explore transitioning from healthcare to entrepreneurship, and learn how to leverage your expertise for business success.
  • Uncover effective strategies for business growth and partnerships, empowering you to take your enterprise to the next level.

Balancing Heart and Metrics

Balancing heart and metrics is a delicate dance that entrepreneurs in the senior care industry must master to ensure compassionate care and business success. Angela’s emphasis on the emotional and people-oriented nature of the business highlights the importance of serving with compassion and empathy while also focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. By intertwining the human element with data-driven decision-making, entrepreneurs can create a sustainable business model that not only meets the needs of their clients but also drives growth and profitability.

Finding the right harmony between heart-driven service and metric-driven operations is critical to building a thriving business with a meaningful impact. Angela Olea’s approach to balancing heart and metrics in managing Assisted Living Locators provides a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs in the senior care industry. Entrepreneurs can glean insights from Angela’s perspective, learning that by prioritizing both the human touch and data-driven insights, they can create a successful and sustainable business that makes a difference in the lives of their clients and the community.

Educating on Hospice and Palliative Care

Educating on hospice and palliative care is crucial to fostering awareness, compassion, and support for individuals facing end-of-life transitions. Angela’s advocacy for educating people about hospice care reflects a deep commitment to demystifying and destigmatizing these critical services. By shedding light on the benefits and compassionate nature of hospice and palliative care, entrepreneurs can play a vital role in empowering families to make informed decisions and providing comfort and dignity to those in their care.

Educating communities and raising awareness about the value of end-of-life care services can improve the quality of life for individuals in need and contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society. Angela Olea’s efforts to educate and illuminate people about hospice care align with her mission of serving with a caring culture and positively impacting the community.

By sharing personal stories and advocating for the benefits of hospice and palliative care, entrepreneurs can inspire greater empathy and understanding within their communities. Angela’s mother’s dedication to advocating for palliative care and hospice is a poignant example of the transformative power of education and awareness in fostering compassionate end-of-life care. Entrepreneurs can draw inspiration from Angela’s advocacy work, recognizing the importance of educating and engaging with their communities to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation for the essential services they provide.

Entrepreneurs can draw inspiration from Angela’s advocacy work, recognizing the importance of educating and engaging with their communities to promote a deeper understanding and appreciation for the essential services they provide.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Visit to schedule a free, informative call to explore franchise ownership and get the inside scoop on what it’s like to own a franchise business.
  • Subscribe, follow, and promote the Free Agent podcast to reach more listeners and potentially go viral. Leave comments and ratings on the platform where you listen or watch the episodes.
  • Reach out to Meg Schmitz with any questions or curiosities about specific brand spotlights or guests on the podcast. Meg can make introductions and get you started in conversation with real people who are exciting and willing to help you advance your cause.
  • Consider exploring the assisted living locators franchise opportunity, especially if you have a passion for helping others and are looking for a business that offers a work-life balance. The franchise provides a roadmap for success and supports franchisees in building a network of resources to help families in need.
  • Download Meg Schmitz’s free ebook that outlines everything you need to know about franchise ownership by visiting and entering your email to receive the downloadable copy instantly.

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